In the vast world of design and creativity, Munari with his vast output of books and artworks has left an indelible mark on the creative landscape.

One of his most famous texts, "From One Thing Comes One Thing," first published in 1977, this book has become a reference for designers, artists and creative thinkers of all kinds. Very interesting, not only for those who are passionate about architecture and design, but for anyone looking for guidance on the design approach in any field. The book is full of examples of application of the method and also full of figures and sketches.

My favorite chapters are: "What is a problem", "Design methodology", "Simplifying" and "Design for all senses".

One of the book's distinguishing features is its practical approach to the creative process. Munari dismantles the design process into a series of clear and pragmatic steps, making it accessible even to design neophytes.  

Munari's method begins with careful observation of the world around us. The author encourages us to look beyond superficial appearances and grasp the hidden relationships between things. This act of observation is crucial to fueling the creative process, as it allows us to gain new perspectives and stimuli for our ideas. 

Once we have collected data through observation, Munari teaches us how to practice synthesis and analysis. This means distilling the information gathered to identify key points and emerging trends. Only through a clear understanding of the data can we hope to develop effective and innovative solutions.  

The beauty of "From what comes what" lies in its universal applicability. Although Munari was a designer by training, the principles laid out in the book can be adapted to a wide range of creative disciplines. Whether you are an artist, a musician, an architect or even an entrepreneur, you will find valuable lessons to apply to your own work. 

For example, a musician might apply the Munari method to arranging a composition. By carefully observing the interactions between instruments and analyzing the dynamics of the melody, he might discover new harmonic or rhythmic avenues to explore.  

"From One Thing Comes to Another" is more than just a book on design; rather, it is an enlightening guide to the design approach that teaches us to look at the world with new eyes and turn our observations into concrete solutions.Enjoy your reading!

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